Developer Documentation

OdinRoomConfig.OdinRoomConfig(Boolean, Single, Single, Boolean, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel, Boolean, Boolean)

public OdinRoomConfig(bool voiceActivityDetection = false, float voiceActivityDetectionAttackProbability = 0F, float voiceActivityDetectionReleaseProbability = 0F, bool volumeGate = false, float volumeGateAttackLoudness = 0F, float volumeGateReleaseLoudness = 0F, bool echoCanceller = false, bool highPassFilter = false, bool preAmplifier = false, OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel noiseSuppressionLevel = null, bool transientSuppressor = false, bool gainController = false)

Audio processing configuration of an ODIN room


voiceActivityDetectionEnables or disables voice activity detection (VAD)
voiceActivityDetectionAttackProbabilityVoice probability value when the VAD should engage.
voiceActivityDetectionReleaseProbabilityVoice probability value when the VAD should disengage after previously being engaged.
volumeGateEnables or disables volume gate
volumeGateAttackLoudnessRoot mean square power (dBFS) when the volume gate should engage.
volumeGateReleaseLoudnessRoot mean square power (dBFS) when the volume gate should disengage after previously being engaged.
echoCancellerEnable or disable echo cancellation
highPassFilterEnable or disable high pass filtering
preAmplifierEnable or disable the pre amplifier
noiseSuppressionLevelSet the aggressiveness of the suppression
transientSuppressorEnable or disable the transient suppressor
gainControllerEnable or disable the gain controller