Developer Documentation


public static class OdinDefaults

ODIN default configuration

Static Properties

VerboseEnable additional logs
DebugEnable additional debug logs
AccessKeyDefault access key
ServerDefault server url
UserDataTextDefault text representation of UserData
DeviceSampleRateMicrophone default Sample-Rate
DeviceChannelsMicrophone default Channel
RemoteSampleRatePlayback default Sample-Rate
RemoteChannelsPlayback default Channel
PeerJoinedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
PeerLeftEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
PeerUpdatedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
MediaAddedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
MediaRemovedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
RoomUpdatedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
MediaActiveStateChangedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
MessageReceivedEventIdicates whether the event is enabled by default
TokenLifetimeJWT room token lifetime
VoiceActivityDetectionIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default
VoiceActivityDetectionAttackProbabilityIdicates the vad attack probability ApmConfig setting by default
VoiceActivityDetectionReleaseProbabilityIdicates the vad release probability ApmConfig setting by default
VolumeGateIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default
VolumeGateAttackLoudnessIdicates the gate attack loudness ApmConfig setting by default
VolumeGateReleaseLoudnessIdicates the gate release loudness ApmConfig setting by default
EchoCancellerIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default
HighPassFilterIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default
PreAmplifierIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default
NoiseSuppressionLevelIdicates the level of noise suppression ApmConfig setting by default
TransientSuppressorIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default
GainControllerIdicates whether the ApmConfig setting is enabled by default